Monday, July 4, 2011

Even though most of this weekend was spent reading secondary sources on German aesthetic tradition or preparing aspects of my new film, I still managed to get out Saturday night and have a ton of fun with old friends I don't see enough anymore.  There seem to be more and more of these friends in my life, but I must not let myself get down over my memories of the past growing further and further away.  I need to keep my sights set on my goals, and my true telos in what I do, the progression of history and the evolution of not just my own, but human consciousness in general.  But I digress, Saturday night was excellent and just like Sol said to Max in Pi, sometimes you just need to take a bath and let your mind acting like I am getting some kinda spiritual enlightenment out of it to give myself reason to do it every night, just good old fashioned purposeless fun for a night...

Even though I'm not much for drinking and partying anymore, at least on the level I used to, it still serves its purpose.  It is good to look back on photos of yourself smiling with old friends...

Second 4th of July in a row with great friends, can't ask for much more.  Hard to believe it was over a year ago now that I went to Camp Zoe for probably the last time...It was such a beautiful experience and I will cherish those memories forever...

Happy fourth of July everyone, blow some shit up for Hunter S. Thompson!

1 comment:

  1. Hello old friend,
    (I started to type something much longer, then I deleted it--no need to get too wordy)
    I really like what you have done with your blogger space here, for what it's worth.
    I am living in West Plains, the house Mel and I were married in, and it's right smack in the woods. beyond our backyard is the forest--straight-up! Instead of a park within walking distance we have a trail (the whippoorwill trail) and in this environment I found something, maybe something similar to what you hope to (and have found)find in Colorado. I've

    been able to write like I've been needing to. I also send some stuff out for publishers from time to time. we have 4 cats now!--two new babies have joined our brood. (West Plains Mo, foothill of the Ozarks).

    I maintain my innocence Mike. I'm not the type to incessantly bug a friend once they de-friend me. matter of fact, this is the only time I can remember this happening. I can understand feeling what you did if what you thought was that I was deliberately trying to be cute, smarmy, or mean. But I wasn't. I still have the very script you gave me to read. I was told two things: a. to read the parts in orange, and b. that this would be mixed with other voices. I made a fatal error in thinking that, even though whole sections were paragraphed the first two pages, the ones beyond that just had an orange mark at the beginning and ending of the sections. I Actually did think that it was strange to go from word to word and, again erroneously, I thought it was some mixing thing with other voices: where they would read the middle parts and I alpha and omega the rest. I SHOULD have asked about this. But should haves won't get me very far, or anyone else. This error in judgement is something that has cost me a friend. It was accidental manslaughter your honor, not murder.

    You were always the one out of ALL of my friends that I like(d) most, could hang around with, laugh the hardest. And since this went down I haven't allowed any shit-talking about you around me (since I moved away from the 'vill I got to know how that goes, but anyway)I wouldn't intentionally hurt you in a million cycles. I gave us a few months, maybe its enough, maybe you need more. But it all comes down to this: I don't want to come away from this situation not knowing that I didn't do everything I could do to try and get some kind of contact with you.

    So, with that said (you should have seen the longer version) I wrote out a scenario, the floating girl one. You once seemed interested in it, and I love our collaborations, I think if we keep on our paths we would make a formidable team. 'Following Coyotes' is by far not the best film, but I do agree with your one comment, that the second part is better than the first. I have the script-writing bug I will never lose my respect and I'm sorry that I hurt you, even by accident
    I would like to send you what I wrote, if you are still interested (floating girl scene fleshed out bunches of nuances)

    always yours,
